Developer Advocate

Job at Flow Foundation



Full time

Flow Foundation has developed a scalable and sustainable layer-1 blockchain that enables developers to build without constraints. This includes a novel multi-node modular architecture as well as a new smart contract language called Cadence.

We’re looking for a Developer Advocate who is ready to challenge the status quo and explore uncharted territories. At Flow, you won't be iterating on the past; you'll be part of a team that’s defining the future of how software is built and run. If you're ready to drive real change and help developers create groundbreaking applications, join us.

What You'll Do:

  • Empower Developers: Serve as the primary bridge between Flow and the developer community, providing specialized focus and support to our partners and premier builders. Equip them with the tools, resources, and personalized support needed to successfully integrate Flow Blockchain technology into their projects.
  • Advocate for Developer Needs: Actively gather insights and feedback from developers, particularly partners and premier builders, to champion their needs within the company. Influence product development to ensure our solutions exceed the expectations of our most engaged users.
  • Technical Engagement: Conduct workshops, webinars, and other educational initiatives, including exclusive sessions tailored for partners and premier builders, to deepen their knowledge and expertise in Flow Blockchain technology.
  • Content Creation: Produce and disseminate high-quality technical content such as tutorials, blog posts, and documentation, crafting specific materials designed for the needs of our partners and premier builders.
  • Product Demonstration: Develop and showcase innovative applications and solutions built on Flow Blockchain, demonstrating its capabilities with specific demos and prototypes tailored for partner use cases.
  • Community Building: Foster a vibrant community by engaging with developers through social media, forums, and at conferences. Support and develop special channels and forums for partners and premier builders.
  • Technical Support: Offer hands-on support to developers, prioritizing assistance for partners and premier builders, and help troubleshoot and resolve any issues they encounter with Flow Blockchain technology.
  • Feedback Loop: Regularly collect and analyze developer usage and feedback, particularly from partners and premier builders, to drive continuous improvement in our technology and developer tools.

Basic Qualifications:

  • Proven experience as a Developer Advocate or in a similar role within a technology company.
  • Strong foundation in software development and a thorough understanding of blockchain technology.
  • Exceptional communication skills, capable of producing clear, engaging, and informative technical content.
  • Experience in community building and public speaking, with a proven ability to deliver persuasive and clear presentations.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Hands-on experience with Flow Blockchain or similar blockchain technologies.
  • Demonstrated ability to forge and maintain strong relationships within the tech developer community, particularly with strategic partners and top-tier developers.
  • Experience in conducting technical workshops or training sessions.
  • A robust online presence or portfolio of technical content (blogs, webinars, etc.).


Flow is a remote-first team of seasoned technologists dedicated to our mission of mainstream Web3 adoption. Founded in Vancouver, Canada, Flow’s team is now spread primarily across the US and Canada – with small presences in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Less than 6 months from now, Flow delivers Crescendo, its biggest technical upgrade since launching the network. Included in the Crescendo release is Cadence 1.0, a major upgrade of the Cadence programming language which enables fully immutable smart contracts on Flow; as well as full EVM equivalence, allowing Flow to host EVM-based smart contracts, platforms, tooling, and utilities natively and fully composable with the Cadence environments. With Crescendo, Flow will be as easy to deploy onto as any EVM-based Layer 2, while preserving the full capabilities of the rest of the protocol. Crescendo upgrade will catalyze a massive improvement in liquidity on Flow including on- and off-ramps as well as a native DeFi ecosystem that serves as a liquidity backbone for the entire network.

Company: Flow Foundation

Skills: developer advocate dev blockchain defi node

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