Web3 Blockchain Engineer

Job at Collectivly


Full time

We’re inviting curious individuals with a deep interest in blockchain technologies and decentralized finance to join the Collectively team with backgrounds in engineering, data science & product. Together we will be working on a protocol that will increase the usability and trust of the NFT space. Are you a curious thinker who likes to lead the design and architecture of core protocols and blockchain technologies? You Will Research, develop, and test various blockchain technologies Lead the design and architecture of the core protocols and tokens Build the protocol components that integrate across different blockchain systems Set technical and cultural standards for the blockchain team Be involved in the current blockchain community You Have 4+ years of software engineering experience Strong CS fundamentals Led the design of impactful and complex architectures Interest and ability to pick up new technologies quickly Experience with C, C++, systems programming, mobile, embedded Experience developing and deploying smart contracts and blockchain protocols Familiarity with Rust, Eth, Solidity, TypeScript, and/or Golang programming languages Ability to see complex problems as solvable challenges Even Better Experience with open source projects Community involvement in bitcoin and decentralized finance

Company: Collectivly

Website: Company's website

Skills: c++golangrustethereumsolidityremote

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